TIERING - Snappawrecka

Snappawrecka, Killa Kan

INSIGHT Rating - Tier B Assassin

  • Guild       - 1
  • PvP         - 3
  • Arenas    - 2
  • Events    - 2
  • Risk-rewarding assassin
  • Runs in and trade life with key target
  • Strength:
    • Powerful long range active to snipe target
    • Explosion trait synergises with active, but conditional
  • Weakness:
    • Active can be bodyblocked
    • No control to explosion timing
    • Anything other than active and Explosion trait are terrible

See Metrics for definition on classes and rating

PvP draft mode

  • Powerful active with 5-hex range to one-shot the hiding Carry but trading its life
  • If it dies using its actvie, death explosion is buffed for 50%
  • Yet, it needs a walkable path to its target for active to work, i.e. opponent can bodyblock or leverage terrain and hex effect

Guild Raids

  • Insufficient output and survivability for 5 rounds


  • Not as valuable as PvP as opposing AI is very aggressive and carries do not hide


  • Very diverse arsenal (multi-hit, ranged, direct damage, chain, projectile, Big Target, Mechanical)
  • Uncertainty to stay alive without repairing
  • Explosion hurts allies

Stats Analysis

At Rare, Silver 1; Damage against 300-armor target; Rank amongst all characters

Comments: Very poor stats to do meaningful damage

  • HP          Rank 31 (2nd Centile)
  • Armor    Rank 47 (Bottom 11)
  • Melee    Rank 51 (Bottom 9)
    • Average: 2 hit, 20% pen., passive (-108 armor) = 98
    • Max: 2 hit, 20% pen., high roll (+20%), passive (-108 armor) = 117
  • Ranged Rank 27 (Bottom 5)
    • Average: 3 hits, 15% pen. = 108
    • Max: 5 hits (trait), 15% pen., high roll (+20%) = 216
  • Range   Long Range
  • Speed   - Average
  • Equip.    - Crit-focus
    • 38% for 250 damage

Skills Analysis

At Rare, Silver 1; Damage against 300-armor target;

Comments: Powerful active to snipe important target and suppress an area, but impractical passive

  • Active     Good
    • 5-hex range for massive damage (200-524 after armor)
    • In PvP Common level, he can take down the following target:
      • Archimatos
      • Certus
      • Sho'syl
      • Calandis
      • Varro Tigurius
      • Vindicta
    • Cannot move in the same round
    • Can be body-blocked by opponents if the only path is blocked
  • Passive   Sub-optimal
    • Ignore 108 armor and reduce 55 armor per attack
    • Reduction applies after the attack, benefit subsequent attacks (not hits)
    • In PvP or Arena, Snappawrecka will not survive long to deal enough armor reductions
      • For reference, Haarken's active reduces 134 armor
    • Guild bosses are immune to armor reduction

Traits Analysis

At Rare 6 Star, Silver 1; Damage against 300-armor target;


  • Dakka
    • More hits at range of 2
    • Not practical as Snappawrecka's damage is very low
  • Big Target
    • Niche use to protect characters from ranged fire, but risk it exploding
    • Trait for events
  • Explosion
    • 25% max health (242) of Snapawrecka as Direct damage to all characters around
    • If it dies from its active, damage is buffed by 50% (363)
  • Mechanical
    • Can be repaired, cannot be healed
    • Trait for events


Excluding flat damage buff for obvious synergy

Defensive buff - To stay alive before using active

  • Varro passive for 50% block
  • Azrael passive for more damage block
  • Gibbascrapz passive for extra armor
  • Varro passive for damage block
  • Sibyll passive for per-hit damage reduction
  • Ancient Thoread active for blocking
  • Big Target trait for hit reduction


With its underwhelming stats and potential glitches in active's damage, the following is what Librarius INSIGHT considers as viable to improve character's viability
  • Revamp passive that synergise it running into enemy line and being random
    • e.g. percentage chance on explosion after movement, triple after active
    • e.g. Extra Armor Plating with damage reduction, and goes off after active 
  • Complete revamp of character
    • e.g. equipping a Rokkit Launcha with better penetration damage type to compensate low damage



  • Profile Version: v1.9.21.436; Round-down is applied to calculation
  • Rating Criteria
    • 1 - Deal little damage, or lacking skillsets
    • 2 - Deal fair damage, or with noticeable skillsets
    • 3 - Deal massive damage, or with unique skillsets
  • Role Descriptions
    • Carry - Winning condition by DPS or summon
    • Assassin - Eliminate Carry
    • Juggernaut - Lead front-line assault
    • Bodyguard - Protect Carry
    • Support - Provides utilities to the team


  1. Updates:
    - Updated stats from v1.8.14.409 to v1.9.21.436
    - Applied latest role definitions


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