RESEARCH - Arena Deed Point Maximisation

Librarius INSIGHT - A Warhammer 40K: Tacticus Repository - Arena Deed Point

Deed Points for Saga events can be acquired from ArenaWhen your opponent has significantly higher Team Power Level (as indicated by the number of skulls when game starts, max. 4), the more deed points you earn if you come out victorious (1 skull for 6 deed points).

4-skull difficulty between a 39K team and 12.5K team

Team Power Level is a simple sum of power levels of selected characters. See example below:

Team 1: Haarken: 2417 + Yarrick: 1979 + Certus: 1992 + Imospekh: 2564 + Angrax: 3560 
= 12512 Team Power Level

Team 2: Kut Skoden: 386 + Gibbascrapz: 338 + Godswyl: 260 + Eldryon: 97 + Re'vas: 9061 
= 10142 Team Power Level

With Re'vas possibly one-hit KO every enemy in a well-placed overwatch, the risk of Team 2 losing the match is minimal even when Team 1 has higher Team Power level. 

If the difference is large enough to be 4-skull match and all of your characters survive, you would earn maximised deed points with minimised risk.

