TIERING - Tier List for Carry

INSIGHT Tiering is a series of documentaries for rating and ranking characters of different roles in order to prioritise investment to high-value assets.

Individual character assessments will be performed in separate documentaries for full-detail analysis. Links will be updated regularly.

Below are roles classified for INSIGHT Tiering:
[Post-edit: Roles have been simplified for direct comparison]
  • Carry - Winning condition by DPS or summon
  • Assassin - Eliminate Carry
  • Juggernaut - Lead front-line assault
  • Bodyguard - Protect Carry
  • Support - Provides utilities to the team
Reference: RESEARCH - Tournament Roles & Strategy

Tier A - Outperformer

  • Highest damage at range
  • Great skills at long range
  • Drones and Camouflage trait provide unparallel survivability

  • High DPS in Guild Raids with multi-hits for more effective buff
  • Great passive for DPS when not moved
  • Not enough survivability on his own
Maugan Ra

  • Powerful and ranged summons for all situations
  • Powerful melee damage (top 5), but slightly squishy
  • Great synergy with Creed and Snotflogga
Commissar Yarrick

  • 2nd highest attack damage at range with multi-hits for more effective buff
  • Global active to snipe key target in safe range
  • Suppression and passive to provide some support, putting him to Tier A
  • Poor health and armor, not enough survivability against Assassins thus in Tier A bottom
Thaddeus Noble

Tier B - Up to standard

  • Powerful and ranged summons
  • Good survivability from high HP and Armor, as well as his bodyguard
  • However, Creed and the bodyguard do not do much damage. The damage level has him in the top of Tier B, but not Tier A
Castellan Creed

  • Very powerful and ranged summons with high health and armor, fair damage and self-heal
  • Need 6 rounds for full potential, lowering his rank to Tier B
  • Its passive puts it in danger when use, and it does not do much damage on its own

  • One of characters with highest critical damage, but not very good base attack damage (Rank 15)
  • Active and passive allows her to be mobile and take risky moves as Assassin
  • Overwatches help secure locations
  • Single-hit limits and effectiveness on buff

  • Long ranged, high attack damage (Rank 9) with multi-hits
  • Suppression from attack and active to provide support over large area
  • It is very slow, squishy, and cannot protect himself from Assassins, thus only in Tier B

  • High attack damage (Rank 6) and active, both synergising with Heavy Weapon trait
  • Passive provides some damage reduction for survivability
  • Single-hit limits effectiveness on buff
  • Slow movement speed, limiting his ability to get into position for overwatches in early stage

Tier C - Improvement Required


Profile Version: v1.8.14.409


  1. Updates:
    - Updated role definitions to provide better coverage to all characters
    - Remove sub-classes of roles to reduce complexity


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