TIERING - Thaddeus Noble

 THADDEUS NOBLE, Master of Ordnance

INSIGHT Rating - Tier A Carry

  • Guild       - 3
  • PvP         - 3
  • Arenas    3
  • Events    - 2
  • A long ranged glass cannon that provides suppression and conditional buff
  • Strength:
    • Very high outputs
    • Suppression at range
    • Global active to snipe important target in mid / late match
  • Weakness:
    • Very fragile, with the lowest HP among all characters
    • No Heavy Weapon trait

See Metrics for definition on classes and rating

PvP draft mode

  • Very high damage (2nd highest ranged), long range multi-hit attack
  • Suppression enables him to deal with short-range overwatches (and long range overwatches with his active) and slow down melee characters, providing some support capability
  • Yet, he needs protection against 4-speed Assassins who can rush him down (e.g. Haarken, Yazaghor, Celestine)
  • Good active to snipe opponent's carry starting Round 3 (the longer, the better)
  • Prioritise Health powerup, followed by positioning, lastly other powerups. Picking powerups but getting in bad position is absolutely meaningless

Guild Raids

  • Work best with Maugan Ra or Vindicta, buffing their multi-hits with his passive (playing a role as Support)
  • Solid range output as Sniper


  • With suppression and less likely to get jumped by AI, he also plays a role as Support
  • Same comments as PvP draft and Guild Raids


  • One of the few characters with Las damage type
  • Fairly diverse arsenal (multi-hit, ranged, blast, las)

Stats Analysis

At Rare, Silver 1; Damage against 300-armor target; Rank amongst all characters

Comments: Long ranged glass cannon that counters swarm units 

  • HP          Rank 56 (Last Place)
  • Armor    Rank 34 (2nd Centile)
  • Melee    Rank 45 (1st Centile)
    • Average: 1 hit, 10% pen. = 160
    • Max: 1 hit, 10% pen., high roll (+20%) = 192
  • Ranged Rank 2
    • Average: 3 hits, 15% pen. = 480
    • Max: 3 hits, 15% pen., high roll (+20%) = 576
    • Special - Blast damage hits all members of swarm unit instead of 1
  • Range   - Long Range
  • Speed   - Average
  • Equip.    - Crit-focus
    • 38% for 250 damage

Skills Analysis

At Rare, Silver 1; Damage against 300-armor target;

Comments: Powerful active to snipe important target and suppress an area, but impractical passive

  • Active     Good
    • Global range of 2 hits of 403-451 Blast Damage, 5 shots in total
    • Shots are inaccurate but gets better per round. Expected damage:
      • Round 1: 108 (min = 0)
      • Round 2: 361 (min = 206)
      • Round 3: 614 (min = 412)
      • Round 4: 831 (min = 618) <- Possible to one-shot Sho'syl
      • Round 5: 1,048 (min = 824)
      • Round 6: 1,265 (min = 1030)
    • Cannot move in the same round
    • Applies suppression if hits
  • Passive   Situational
    • Flat damage buff (+108) to characters with Heavy Weapon trait, including:
      • Certus - Carry
      • Vindicta - Assassin
      • Calandis - Carry + Assassin 
      • Maugan Ra - Carry
    • However, he does not benefit from his own skill

Traits Analysis

Comments: Reliable and mobile suppression to protect himself and support. But no Heavy Weapon trait

  • Suppressive Fire
    • -30% damage, -1 Movement, and disabling Overwatch
    • Other characters who have this trait has slower movement speed
  • Indirect Fire
    • Ignore Trench's 50% damage reduction
    • Never get obscured by terrain or Big Target trait
    • Can shoot over mountain that your opponent cannot


Excluding flat damage buff for obvious synergy

  • Defensive Buff - To stay alive
    • Azrael passive for more damage block
    • Gibbascrapz passive for extra armor
    • Varro passive for damage block
    • Sibyll passive for per-hit damage reduction
    • Ancient Thoread active for blocking
    • Big Target trait for hit reduction
  • Overwatches - To protect him from Assassins
    • e.g. Azeral, Calandis etc



  • Profile Version: v1.9.21.436; Round-down is applied to calculation
  • Rating Criteria
    • 1 - Deal little damage, or lacking skillsets
    • 2 - Deal fair damage, or with noticeable skillsets
    • 3 - Deal massive damage, or with unique skillsets
  • Role Descriptions
    • Carry - Winning condition by DPS or summon
    • Assassin - Eliminate Carry
    • Juggernaut - Lead front-line assault
    • Bodyguard - Protect Carry
    • Support - Provides utilities to the team


  1. Updates:
    - Updated stats from v1.8.14.409 to v1.9.21.436
    - Applied latest role definitions


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