SITEREP - Season 9

Season 9 (13 Aug to 16 Sep)

Energy = 11,825

  1. Daily generation: 24 hours x 60 mins / 5 min per energy x 35 days = 10080
  2. Free daily recharge: 50 energy x 35 days = 650
  3. Battle Pass reward: TBC, est. 130
  4. Tournament arena: Est, 750
  5. Anniversary tournament: 180+35=215

Blackstones = 720 ~ 1440 energy

  1. Daily Mission: 1 per day x 35 days = 35
  2. Daily Chest: 1 per day x 35days = 35
  3. Tournament area chest: 1 per chest x 30 chests = 30
  4. Guild Raid season chest: 5 seasons x 13 per chest = 65
  5. Arena chest: 5 seasons x (1.5 per chest x 17 chests + 7.5 in last chest) = 165
  6. Salvage runs: 5 x 2 trials per day x 35 days = 350
  7. LRE chest: TBC
  8. Anniversary tournament: 40

Guild credits = 13900 = 130 shards

  1. Guild raid battle reward: 20 credits x 35 days x 2 trials per day = 1400
  2. Guild raid boss chest: 200 credits x 9 bosses per season x 5 seasons = 9000
  3. Guild raid season chest: 700 credits x 5 seasons= 3500

Key events to participate

  1. Revas Shards - 13 Aug
  2. Anniversary Tournament - 13 Aug
  3. Isabella Quest - 16 Aug
  4. Normal Tournament 1 - 24 Aug
  5. Normal Tournament 2 - 7 Sep
  6. Aun'shi's Legendary Event - 6 Aug
  7. Neurothrope Event - 20 Aug
  8. Sarquael Quest - 30 Aug
  9. Jain Zar's Legendary Event - 10 Sep <- Key Event


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